From the gardens of the care farm

Both The Kleine Hoeve and The Groene Schakel are care farms. These two care farms cultivate organically according to the principles of permaculture, which brings together the care of the earth and the care for people.

Since 10 years

A small part of the harvest is sold directly at the door to private individuals, the rest is bought by Rungis, and this for more than 10 years already. In consultation with Rungis, city farm De Kleine Hoeve in Breda and horticultural farm De Groene Schakel in Prinsenbeek cultivate well-known and special crops. Products you rarely find on a farm, but that are so much fun to serve.

A small selection of these special products: celtuce, rat’s tail radish, cavolo nero, different types of lettuce like puntarelle, legume shoots, broad bean tops, parsnips, red sprouts, red kale, rainbow radishes, rainbow carrots, edible flowers and herbs and berries from their own food forest. The period of purchase is between May and somewhere in October. And all the products are grown organically.

Most delicious CSR

Rungis and the care farms are proud of the collaboration in which Vermaat purchases the entire harvest and, kind of, adopts the farms. Flexibility is the key, the offered products are available from May to October and is irregular and cannot be planned. This unpredictability is exactly what gives the charm, nature is leading.

‘Rungis is my eyes and ears. They know exactly what fits our vision: the purity of a product which we can make something beautiful with. Very appealing is their variety of special suppliers

'Their colleagues come at the exact right time with an inspiration box. That’s how you immediately know: this is in season. And if i want something special, they start looking for it.'