Dutch top chefs visit Latvijā

In collaboration with JanisFarm, Rungis went on a three days culinary trip through Latvia and visited their producers. Here you can see an impression of our trip.

Latvia, with Riga as capital city, is the middle one of the three Baltic States. Nature gets enough space and can therefore produce the most extraordinary, and  most of all, the most delicious ingredients. All the fruit- and vegetable powders, juices and candied fruits are harvest in the wild or even picked in the wild. Hemp seeds in all kind of appearances, like roasted, peeled or as oil complete the impressive range.

“The Latvian people have a strong connection with mother nature,” not so surprising, considering the country is one and a half times bigger than the Netherlands but only has 2 million inhabitants, of which 750.000 live in Riga. So there are lots of spacious, empty natural areas. Searching mushrooms even is a national sport over here.

Due to the short intensive summers with an abundance of harvest and the long, dark and cold winters, the Latvian people have a long tradition of conservation techniques. We search for growers and producers and let the typical Latvian products surprise us…





'Their colleagues come at the exact right time with an inspiration box. That’s how you immediately know: this is in season. And if i want something special, they start looking for it.'

'The Rungis colleagues are constantly looking for new things, consult with their growers and get products from all over the world.'