Wood shiitake

Shiitake are delicious fleshy mushrooms with a beautiful strong aromatic flavor. Shiitake were originated from China and Japan.

Our shiitake grow in Portugal in the open, but hot air. They feel at home on tree trunks where they get their nourishment from. The grower, Organic Nature, drills holes in the logs and fills them with mycellium. Mycellium are hyphae from traces of the mushroom. After several months, the first mushrooms will be seen.

Thanks to the Portuguese climate, the shiitake do not need to be grown in heated rooms, but can grow in their natural pace. This way you can experience a true flavor explosion.

During the cultivation process they also don’t use artificial fertilizers or chemical pesticides. Their shiitake are 100% organic. The growing process of the shiitake on tree trunks only happens in Portugal and Japan.

Fortunately, there’s a constant supply at Rungis, because we sometimes need three hundred kohlrabi. Not just for De Librije, but also for Bar Senang: fruit and vegetables are wel represented on the menu there too.

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