Frequently asked questions


Where can i buy the products from Rungis?

Directly at Rungis, we deliver the products directly to your kitchen with our own logistics. We also have an exclusive collaboration with various wholesalers of the Horesca group.

Are you part of Rungis Paris?

No, Rungis is an independent Dutch family business since 1989. We have no business connection with Rungis Paris. However, the fresh market of Paris is one of the places where we buy our products. We have a permanent buyer at Rungis Paris who selects the best fruit and vegetables for us.

Become a customer

How can i become a customer

Great to hear you want to order at us. You can call us on 0180 617899 or leave your details at our contact form. We will contact you and are happy to help you according to your wishes and needs.

Can i buy as a direct consumer?

No, Rungis is the fruit- and vegetable specialist for restaurants and foodprofessionals. We do not sell directly to consumers. Some of our partners and customers do. Take a look at Foodmarket Amsterdam, Farmed Today or Boerderij Landzicht if they can help you.

Does Rungis deliver in my area?

Yes, Rungis supplies the vast majority of the Netherlands with its own logistics. Contact our Sales & Advice colleagues, they will look for a way to help you as good as possible.

Ordering and delivery

Is there a minimum order quantity?

At Rungis we aim for a sustainable cooperation. We arrange the entire fruit and vegetable package for our customers. If you have a slightly smaller order once, we won’t let you down. We would, however, like to discuss with you how we can organize the cooperation the best way possible for both parts.

Can i also order organic products?

Definitely! We have a wide and deep range of organic products for you. Often available from stock, sometime on order. But always according to the #FiveSeasons of Rungis.

Do you have any other questions after reading our FAQ page? Then contact us. Call us on 0180 617899 or send an email to and we will be happy to help you further.

'The Rungis colleagues are constantly looking for new things, consult with their growers and get products from all over the world.'

Rungis is complete. We have a good relationship with their people, they keep us informed about the seasons, they really think along.