Dutch handpicked premium vanilla

A rich and buttery vanilla bean of the highest quality, without pesticides or other chemicals.

Vanilla is native to Mexico. The Spaniards were so fond of this product that they brought the vanilla back to Spain and introduced it to Europe. Now 500 years later, the vanilla is produced for the very first time in The Netherlands. Koppert Cress introduces rich and buttery vanilla beans in a high quality and without pesticides or other chemicals.

Self riping and fermenting

The fresh green vanilla beans can be ripened or fermented to your own desire. You can also choose the black vanilla beans, which are curated under optimal conditions, or the special red vanilla beans: the pod is connected to the plant for a longer time, it gets an even more beautiful flavor profile, which opens up countless new possibilities.

Chefs and pastry chefs prefer to use vanilla for its perfect flavor. A flavor that combines well with many other ingredients. The new green vanilla bean is an unique opportunity to give your own twist with the fermentation process. This leads to unlimited possibilities. Think of combinations with rose petals, pistachio peels, rice, smoke or a very hot sauce.

Master pastry and SVH master ice cream maker Hidde de Brabander: ‘A beautiful, full, thick stick with a lot of volume, a lot of aroma and a high glucovanillin level.

Producing the vanilla is a totally different process than the fast growing cresses or specialties, which is what Koppert Cress is known for. In the first year of this project there’s a limited amount of fresh vanilla available.

Choose fresh, ripened on the plant, or ripened under optimal conditions
Availability and ordering

The vanilla variants can already be pre-ordered at Rungis. The expectations at this moment are that we can deliver the first vanilla at the end of February 2022. The black and the red vanilla bean (Planifolia BLACK, Planifolia RED) are harvested once a year and are available all year round due to their shelf life. The green vanilla bean (Planifolia GREEN) is a seasonal product and will be available 3 to 4 months (first quarter of each year) per year. The black and the red vanilla will be in stock all the time, the green vanilla should be ordered in advance.


Vanilla (Tlilxochitl) is native to Mexico. In ancient Mexico, the Totonacs, in the region now known as Veracruz, were considered producers of the best vanilla. The Mayas and Aztecs had developed a divine drink made of chocolate and vanilla. The Spaniards were so fond of this that Hernán Cortés (conquistadores) brought the vanilla and chocolate back to Spain and introduced it to Europe.

Planifolia GREEN Vanilla

Artic;e mumber: 170153

Dutch green vanilla beans for the professional to experiment with the ‘curing’, ripening and fermenting. An unique opportunity to give a taste twist to vanilla with your own fermenting. The possibilities are unlimited.


Planifolia green, green vanilla beans; fresh from the plant. Experiment with the taste of your own vanilla bean by controlling the entire curing process.

Planifolia BLACK Vanilla

Article number: 170151

Premium Dutch harvested vanilla, hand-picked and ripened under optimal conditions. Planifolia black is harvested once a year and is available all year round due to the shelf life.4


Rich in black seeds and full of flavor. A full, intense and enchanting romance between flowers and spices with specific notes of leather, nuts, earth and wood.

Planifolia RED Vanille

Article number: 170152

Dutch ‘vine riped’ vanilla; as nature intended. By letting the bean hang longer on the plant it gets an even more beautiful flavor profile and countless new possibilities. Vanilla is still the main flavor, but we have also found a number of special side notes.


Because the bean is attached to the plant for a longer time, is gets an even better flavor profile. We found a number of special notes of flowers, a freshness, red fruit and butterscotch.

The quality of their stuff is also three levels highter than before. But what i'm most happy about is the service of Rungis. I have never experiences this in twenty years in the hospitality industry.

At Rungis they already know for 15 years what i want and how i don't want it. This way you make each other stronger.