Our history

The history of Rungis started many seasons ago. The passion for fruits and vegetables from founder Gert Jan Zonneveld Piek even gows further.



The shop in Krimpen aan de Lek

As a little boy, Gert Jan worked in the greengrocery of his sister and brother-in-law. His passion for fruits and vegetables started to grow. On the age of 18, Gert Jan started his own vegetablekiosk and later on, together with Francis, a specialty green grocery in Krimpen aan de Lek



Restaurants are supplied, Rungis is born

Gert Jan´s love for quality and new flavors aroused the interest of restaurants with the same passion. In 1989 Rungis is born in the Netherlands. Mr. Helder, a customer from the very beginning, orders up untill today, even though the amount is a bit lower than it used to be



First independent location

Gert Jan and Francis started from a small warehouse on the Koopliedenweg in Barendrecht, Rungis. Thanks to the name, which was borrowed from the huge fresh market in Paris, the connection between the top catering industry was made



Handelsweg Ridderkerk

Rungis started to burst at the seams and moved to the Handelsweg in Ridderkerk. Not only the assortment, but also the customer database kept growing. New areas were added and new specialists started to work at Rungis




During 2011 Rungis moved to the Handelscentrum in Barendrecht, nowadays known as Transportweg. A bigger space for a growing assortment, an increase of the customer database and for the growing amount of colleagues



First Gert Jan's choice

Rungis takes the next step to inspire and inform the chef about our newest products in a creative way. The first Gert Jan’s choice movie is born. This way the chef will stay up-to-date about all the seasonal products



Rungis nowadays

An independent company which meets craftmanship, trade, passion and knowledge in it’s ‘winning team’. From order entry to drivers, purchase to finance  and from orderpick to sales. Rungis has almost 150 employees and delivers 24/7 to the catering industry. With over 4000 articles from all over the world and a brand new cutting kitchen, rungis keeps growing

‘Rungis is my eyes and ears. They know exactly what fits our vision: the purity of a product which we can make something beautiful with. Very appealing is their variety of special suppliers

The people working at Rungis, are very accessible; we can discuss well with them and they're always available. Also their range is very wide.