Cabbage, still a winner

The season starts now, they are easy to process and at the same time delicious and super healthy. A real winner, so don´t miss out on this awesome season.

Cabbage is fond on sulfur and it makes sure to suck up enough from the ground where it grows. When cooked for to long, those compounds are released. And there you go, the typical scent which makes living rooms and kitchens smell that way.

The winter is the absolute peak for the ´leaf´ cabbage. At the moment our warehouse is filled with all kinds of beautifull cabbages and they create a colorful overall, you´ll get hungry right away.

A real winner, so don´t miss out on this awesome season
So many possibilities

The real winter fare like kale, red cabbage and white cabbage brighten up the things, but what about fresh yellow savoy cabbage! A savoy cabbage from the region Kennemerland with a beautiful and soft leaf structure. Cavolo nero, also called palm cabbage, doesn´t have a crop but has stems which are connected to each other at the bottem. Dark green, firm leaves which after cooking do not need more than a bit of salt and pepper, an awesom winter product! Sauerkraut from Alsace, from the original raw version to all different types of marinated ones. Choucroute cuite alsacienne with riesling, goose fat, lard and juniper, choucroute cuite brasserie with riesling, lard, onions, bacon and juniper and choucroute cuite traditionnel with riesling, lard, onions, juniper and pepper. These variations give the Dutch cuisine a surprising and most of all tasty twist.

Cabbage is from the early days, but most of all cabbage is from nowadays.

Fortunately, there’s a constant supply at Rungis, because we sometimes need three hundred kohlrabi. Not just for De Librije, but also for Bar Senang: fruit and vegetables are wel represented on the menu there too.

With fruit and vegetables, we’re delighted we can work with Rungis. In addition to our regular products, we can also get our special products. Mini-vegetables and extraordinary herbs and flowers.